Teatro del Sottosuolo - is a theatrical production company that since its inception in 1995 has always been committed to the enhancement of theatrical art through a continuous quest of new forms of expression.
The artistic line starts from the choice to go through tracks crossed by the masters of avant-garde theatre and traditional theatre, contaminating them with new and modern styles of street theatre, urban theatre and the new Circus.
with the patronage of
Regione Autonoma della Sardegna ~ Assessorato Cultura, Informazione e Spettacolo MiC ~ Ministero della Cultura (Direzione Generale Spettacolo dal vivo)
Registered office: via Costituente 137 - 09013 Carbonia CI
Artistic venues: Nuovo Cine Teatro di Bacu Abis
Office: via Regina Margherita n.3 - 09010 Piscinas CF/P.IVA 02974290922
Tel: 3394067169-3286356822
e-mail: teatrodelsottosuolo@gmail.com