Anime resilienti
Freely adapted from
"L'animo degli offesi" (The Soul of Offences) by Modesto Melis
"Lettere" e "Diario" (Letters and Diary) by Etty Hillesum
Both prisoners in Auschwitz
On stage: Chiara Giuliani, Sabrina Barlini, Susanna Mannelli
Musique and songs: Angelina Figus, eseguiti dal vivo dal Coro Femminile del Centro Studi Musicali di Carbonia
Directed by: Susanna Mannelli
Two lives overwhelmed by the wide extermination of 1940/45.
Modesto Melis, Sardinian, lived and died in Carbonia in 2017, was deported to Mauthausen for political reasons. He does not die in the camp and dedicates his life to telling young people about his experience as a survivor.
Etty Hillesum, dutch Jewess, was thirty years old when she died in Auschwitz in 1943. She left a diary that was published only in 1981. They were scandalous pages, about peace and love.